i suppose it doesn’t really help if you have like 50 gb of cc, but for smaller folders maybe? anyway, you can get the bulk rename utility here, and here’s a tutorial by on how-to use it. Remove special characters - this works for some people and it doesn’t for some, i’m not sure it’s actually backed up *scientifically* but my game does load quicker if the file names aren’t full of special characters. here’s a v professional explanation picture by yours truly

Remove swatches you don’t use - i do this too a lot, sometimes there are like 50 swatches and i know very well that i’m not gonna use them all. for example i always merge liberated and separated game stuff bc i know i’m going to want them in my game under any circumstances, no matter how compulsive the urge to clean my mods folder yet again is lol Merge files! also important - if i’m absolutely sure that i can’t possibly live without a bunch of cc, i merge them bc the game loads and reads them much quicker that way. here’s how to do it in sims 4 studio or s4pe! Hide meshes! important - this is the MOST important of them all, i do this all the time w everything and it gets the mods folder size reduced by like a half!! seriously if you weren’t doing this you have to start!! so when you only want recolours of something in your game but you have to download the meshes separately that means tens of megabytes more files, right? you can actually edit the meshes so it a) doesn’t show up in the catalog and everything is much tidier and b) remove all the texture files you don’t want which makes the file size much, MUCH smaller. how? well listen here!! (this is going to be very messy but i can’t be arsed to do it properly i’m sorry) actual steps to take

My mods folder is usually under 1gb but i have like 800 files in it.